A casino is a gambling establishment that provides a variety of gambling activities. These include slot machines, roulette, blackjack, poker and other table games, keno, baccarat, and craps. In the United States, casinos are a major source of entertainment and income. They are also popular tourist attractions. Some are famous for their fountain shows, luxurious hotels and elaborate themes while others have been featured in movies and TV shows. However, it is the games of chance that make a casino and provide the billions in profits for its owners.
Unlike other forms of gambling, casinos have a built-in advantage that ensures they win money over time. This is known as the house edge. As a result, it is very rare for a casino to lose money on a single day. Security starts on the gaming floor, where dealers watch over their patrons with a keen eye for blatant cheating techniques such as palming, marking, or switching dice and cards. Higher-ups monitor tables with a broader view, looking for betting patterns that might indicate cheating.
Although gambling probably predates recorded history, the modern casino as a centralized place to find a variety of different ways to gamble is largely the creation of the 16th century. Italian aristocrats often held private parties in places called ridotti, and when the gambling craze hit Europe, these clubs became more public, allowing members to play their favorite games of chance without the fear of being caught by authorities.