How Technology Is Changing the Casino
Many first-time players wonder why casinos don’t have clocks. They’d be a fire hazard, and besides, clocks are distracting. Instead, casinos use bright wall coverings and floor coverings to create an energetic and cheering atmosphere. They also don’t have any windows, so they can’t be viewed by other patrons. The casino’s management offers free drinks and snacks to players, but they might come with a price – the intoxication will affect your judgment and ability to make good decisions in the casino.
As technology advances, casinos have adapted to this new technology and are able to offer more sophisticated games to patrons. Video cameras and computers routinely monitor the games in a casino. “ChiP Tracking” involves betting chips with built-in microcircuitry that allows casinos to track the number of bets minute-by-minute. Roulette wheels are monitored for statistical deviations, and enclosed versions of the most popular games are available.
Modern casinos have increased their use of technology to ensure that patrons have the best possible odds of winning. Video cameras and computers routinely monitor all casino activities, including slot machines and blackjack. “ChiP tracking” involves betting chips with built-in microcircuitry that allows the casino to monitor wagers minute-by-minute. They also regularly track the spins of the roulette wheel to see if they are wildly out of whack.